Setup and data load

The instructions below presume all requirements listed in the README are installed and postgres is accepting connections.

Create the database

If you are not loading to an existing database, create a new one (adjusting the database name as required):

createdb fwapg

Environment variables

The data load script requires the environment variable DATABASE_URL to be set in order to connect to the database.

For example:

export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:postgres@db:5432/fwapg

To confirm that you can connect to the database with this environment variable, start psql with it as the first argument:

psql (14.7)
Type "help" for help.


Schema and data load

Get the fwapg scripts by either downloading and unzipping the latest tag, or downloading the development version:

git clone

Create output schema in the target database:

cd fwapg
make .make/db

Download source FWA files, load to target database:

make all


To apply updates, full table refreshes are generally required.

To drop all fwapg managed data and functions and re-load:

make clean_targets
make clean_db

If the source data has changed sufficiently, re-building the various datasets in extras will be necessary - see the various READMEs for each dataset.

Data currency

All data are downloaded from the latest posted to GeoBC FWA FTP.